
Health & Safety ABC


Health & Safety Executive has introduced an help for the British small and medium-sized enterprises called H&S ABC. It gives simple information to help small companies to save money and time by identifying the things they really do need to do, in order to follow the HSE's rules without the risk of incurring penalties.


TC Turrini Claudio machineries follow HSE guidelines, helping UK firms in their daily work.   

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T.C. Turrini Claudio srl
Via Francia, 4
37069 Villafranca (VR) Italy
Reg. Imp., C.F. e P.IVA IT 02897120230
R.E.A. N. 292864
Cap. Soc. € 93.383,68
Cod. Mecc. Est. VR042600 del 15/12/99
Tel. +39 045 6302744
Confindustria Marmomacchine Menbro