
TISE Las Vegas 2020

T.C.Turrini Claudio srl is proud to announce the participation in the exhibition The International Surface Event #TISE 2020, that will be held in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA) on 28, 29, 30 January 2019.


In booth 3883, will be present personally the owner Mr.Claudio Turrini and the complete dedicated Turrini USA staff.


Come say Hi!

<< Torna indietro
T.C. Turrini Claudio srl
Via Francia, 4
37069 Villafranca (VR) Italy
Reg. Imp., C.F. e P.IVA IT 02897120230
R.E.A. N. 292864
Cap. Soc. € 93.383,68
Cod. Mecc. Est. VR042600 del 15/12/99
Tel. +39 045 6302744
Confindustria Marmomacchine Menbro